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A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is typically operated remotely. Drones come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and designs, and are equipped with various sensors, cameras, and other features that allow them to perform a wide range of functions.

A typical drone product usually consists of a lightweight body or frame made of plastic, carbon fiber, or other materials, which houses the electronic components and motors that power the drone. Drones may also have propellers or rotors attached to the frame, which allow them to take off and fly in different directions.

Many drones are equipped with high-quality cameras or other sensors that allow them to capture photos or videos from unique perspectives, which can be useful for photography, cinematography, surveillance, or scientific research. Some drones may also be equipped with advanced sensors or GPS systems that allow them to perform tasks such as mapping, surveying, or monitoring environmental conditions.

Technical Details

Brand: Dronvi Ltd
Model number: 260
EAN: MGT0000123456
Part Number: 123456789101112
Seller SKU: SK12345678910
Condition: New
Origin: Kenya
Availability: In Stock
Minimum order quantity: 1
Shipping weight: 200.00 g
Date first listed on Alakba Marketplace : May 1, 2023

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